National Professional Qualification (NPQ)

Are you thinking about your next steps in relation to professional and career development opportunities?

Have you considered one of the suite of NPQs? Take advantage of these fantastic fully-funded professional development qualifications. These courses are designed and delivered with national partners who share a belief in equity and research -informed professional development that supports educational leaders to develop their leadership practice. The programmes are designed to grow 'Learning Leaders' who question, reflect, learn and apply their learning to improvements that lead to desired outcomes" (Stoll 2020). All NPQs, uniquely, include an implementation project that allows this new leadership learning to be applied in the workplace.

NPQs can:

  • provide training and support for teachers and leaders at all levels
  • be completed around existing commitments
  • improve outcomes for children and young people
  • support staff development

Courses last between 12 and 22 months (including the time to undertake assessment and receive results), depending on your chosen NPQ. The course structure, curriculum and method of delivery may vary between different providers.

The suite is fully funded.

For more information, please visit the website or email